Look now, how my countenance has brightened because I have tasted a little of this honey         1 Samuel 14:29

Mission Statement

"If it can be measured, it can be managed"


Utilizing restoration ecology principles—


We promote a holistic and natural approach to farming, gardening and beekeeping.


Our goal is to provide our customers with unique beekeeping products and experiences derived from the use of pure and all natural tools, techniques, and ingredients. We endeavor to foster public awareness of the Honey Bee’s plight in modern agriculture through interactive educational platforms.


We consider beekeeping and the subsequent honey production and pollination sectors to be renewable and sustainable agribusinesses that are integral to our overall domestic agricultural production process.


We also consider the honey bee to be a keystone species[1] that has a mutualistic relationship in our food supply chain.


The kiss of the sun for pardon

The buzz of the bees for mirth

One is nearer to God’s heart in a garden

Than anywhere else on earth 


Adapted from Frank C. Pellet, 1879-1951


Bee-There! Bee-Involved!


[1] A species that influences a local community in a disproportional way, when compared with its biomass*.

*Biomass is defined as: The total mass of living matter within a given unit of an environmental area.





Where to Find Us:

Apex Bee Company, LLC
PO Box 87

Bethlehem, MD 21609

Phone: 443.714.4952

Email: email@apexbeecompany.com

Follow us on Facebook & Instagram @apexbeecomp

Honey Bee with Pollen
Worker Bees On Inner Cover
Yard Work
Hive Inspection
Local Raw Honey
Bee-Grate 70G Feeder
Bee-Grate Feeder on Nucs with Honey-B-Healthy
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