The value of this endeavor is directly proportional to this endeavor's values.-- Anon.
We have received reports of package bee and nuc sales scams using a variant of the name "APEX".
We are not offering sales of either packages or nucs this year
We have clean 5 gallon food grade buckets for sale at $1.00 each. For pick up only at our location in Preston, MD 21655. Please call or email for further information.
Stay tuned for updates on the latest Guinness Brews made with our Honey
Go to our Honey Bee Facts page and check out the great new pictures downloaded from the Vita Gallery. Scroll to the bottom and click on the individual pictures to enlarge them.
Honey- The Better Carb, It's Bee-licious!
We are a family owned and operated apicultural business based on the Eastern Shore of Maryland specializing in pesticide neutral beekeeping. We sell locally harvested raw* honey, 3 lb honey bee packages, and specialty beekeeping products. Contact us for local raw honey , general beekeeping information, or swarm removal needs.
Local honey bees are in trouble and could use your help. Please click on the Honey Bee Restoration Project (HRP)™ link and check out the options offered by this unique honey bee and habitat restoration project. Follow the link for Pesticide Watch to stay abreast of the effects of modern pesticides on our local pollinators.
* Raw honey is not heated and only lightly strained to preserve it’s natural goodness and inherent health benefits.
Click here to see how Raw Honey differs from highly processed honey
Please note that the pictures in above article are deceiving. The top picture on the first page is actually crystallized honey. All honey is in liquid form when extracted.
A portion of our honey sales proceeds are donated for breast cancer research and to the St Jude Children's Research Hospital.
Click on the PDF link below for more information on the health benefits of local raw honey and hive products.
Americans consume about ~596 (2017) million pounds of honey per year. Domestic beekeepers only produce about ~163 million pounds. What does this mean? ~72% of the honey you consume is imported! Check your Labels!
If you don’t know your beekeeper, you don't know what is in your honey!
Support your Domestic Beekeepers and American Farmers!
Considered a weed by many, this plant is an excellent source of nectar and pollen for honey bees. Do them a favor and don't eradicate it from your lawn.
One hive on one acre of clover can produce 100 pounds of surplus honey in a marginal year. In a good year that hive can produce 300 pounds of surplus honey.